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Raising Awareness on Abuse, Trauma & Mental Health 

Abuse, trauma, and mental health issues can have a lasting and devastating impact on individuals, families, and entire communities. Raising awareness and acceptance about these unfortunate issues that many of us face can help to reduce stigma, provide support for those affected, and help to prevent further harm.

Raising awareness about abuse, trauma, and mental health is critical to understanding the scope of these issues and the various ways in which they can affect people. Knowing the facts about the various forms of psychological and physical abuse and the negative impact of unresolved trauma on our mental health can help us be more compassionate and have empathy for others. We believe that its everyone's responsibility to be informed on how to identify warning signs, create safe spaces for those we are connected to speak out, and provide the proper resources and support to those who need it. Similarly, understanding the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges can help to reduce the stigma around mental health and encourage individuals to seek help.

Raising awareness about the real life challenges we are facing especially with our youth can also help to prevent further harm, and death by suicide. Educating people on how to recognize the signs of abuse and trauma, as well as how to support someone who has experienced them, can be an effective way to stop the cycle of violence.

We are commited to doing our part as a non profit organization to equip and empower our youth to win from within by helping them to navigate through the emotional and mental health challenges that life sometime bring

By Prevention Initiatives

One of the most effective preventive initiatives that we use to address abuse, affects of unressolved trauma and mental health of our youth is to provide comprehensive education about mental health and well-being. By educating our youth on the signs of abuse and trauma, we can equip them with the tools necessary to identify, seek help, and prevent further harm. Additionally, providing parents and caretakers resources for mental health support and intervention is incredibly beneficial. This can include support from mental health professionals, safe spaces for our youth to express and process their experiences, and online resources for mental health education and awareness. Lastly, creating a culture of empathy, understanding, and acceptance helps us to create an environment where our youth feel safe and supported.

Community Awareness Dinners 

Our monthly community awareness dinners on abuse, trauma, and mental health are a great way to end the stigma and empower individuals. These dinners provide a safe space for people to learn more about these topics and discuss their own experiences. Additionally, they can offer resources and connections to local organizations that can offer support and further education. By having these dinners in a supportive and open atmosphere, it helps to create a more understanding and inclusive environment that encourages conversations about these topics.

If you are in need of emotional or mental health support, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. It is available 24/7 and is free and confidential.

You can also chat with a crisis counselor online at 

Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741.

You can also find a list of other mental health resources at

To get help from the National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH), call 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733). The NHTH can help connect victims with service providers in the area and provides training, technical assistance, and other resources. The NHTH is a national, toll-free hotline available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. The NHTH is not a law enforcement or immigration authority and is operated by a nongovernmental organization funded by the Federal government. 

Our Community Partners

Building Beyond Barriers

Young Voices Action Collective

Alternatives For Girls

Zoe Initiative

Wayne Metro

Nored Services LLC




 What We Do

WE educate & raise awareness about abuse, trauma including human trafficking and mental health challenges and initiate action throughout our communities

WE volunteer and support our youth and their families through advocacy and by showing up with them for them

WE, provide support, opportunities tools & resources collectively and through our individual organizations to eradicate the barriers that our youth face to empower them to win from within


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